
ABRSM Qualifications

ABRSM is the UK’s largest music education body, one of the UK’s largest music publishers and are globally renowned for their exams and assessments.

ABRSM Piano exams consist of three pieces, scales and arpeggios, sight-reading, and aural tests.

The total marks in practical exams are 150. You need 100 marks to achieve Pass, 120 marks to pass with Merit and 130 marks to pass with Distinction.

There are eight grades of assessment, grades 6 - 8 holding UCAS points (University College Admissions Services) which can be used to help support applications to University and College.

ABRSM exams provide excellent structure and motivation for students learning an instrument, it helps students to achieve a holistic understanding of their instrument, measure their progress and celebrate their achievements.

ABRSM Results

I have been sitting students for ABRSM exams for nearly a decade and maintain a 100% pass rate.

Here are my results for the end of the 2021 academic year:

100% Pass rate

91% gaining Merits +

52% of students pass with Distinction