The Tonara practice app / by Lucy Snailham

Tonara - the music practising app for teachers and students.  

Tonara helps music teachers to motivate students with goal-oriented tasks, multi-media interactions, and fun rewards that encourage them to practice more and improve.

One of the most poplar elements with students, is the practice leaderboard which is proving very motivating!

The teacher sets assignments for each student, and when the students logs in and work towards the assignment set, they will score points for every minute completed. These points scored help them to compete against my other students on a leaderboard as well as compete against other students around the world!


Each morning I check the previous day practice and send additional points and encouragement to students, I love the app as I get an insight into how students are spending their practice time and can then help them to make improvements to how and when they are practising.

Another great feature is the Compare Recording technology, this compares live music played from the student with recordings uploaded by a teacher and provides the students with feedback on their pitch, rhythm, tempo, and fluency.

If you would like to sign up for access to the app, get in contact and I will send you your username and log in details* To find out more about the app and the features, follow this link here to Tonara.


*There is a small annual fee for the the app.