ABRSM - New Qualification & Exams Update / by Lucy Snailham

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Covid has brought around a lot of change for musicians, and although it has created frustration for those ready to sit their exams it looks as though it has helped push forward an exciting new ABRSM qualification that may provide an option for those who have missed sitting exams and also provide a new route for students who might not have considered taking an exam previously…

ABRSM have announced that from August there will be a new qualification / pathway that students can take as an alternative or alongside the face-to-face exams that we are used to. ABRSM are looking to start up the traditional face-to-face exams as soon as possible, but in the current situation, no date has yet been set. Going forward, post -Covid, students will be able to choose between the traditional face-to-face exams with all components, such as scales and sight reading; or choose the new, record at home, performance focused route - this new route will be a permanent examination option.

The new ‘Performance focused’ route will allow students to submit a recording of a performance from their home for examiners to grade. The student will be required to play 4 pieces of the same grade, 3 of the pieces would be from the graded book: one for each list A, B and C; then the final 4th piece can be of the same grade, but not necessarily from the same grade book. Applicants will need to choose a piece that is of the same difficulty, perhaps an old graded piece from past specifications, that will fit well with their other pieces, creating a 4 piece repertoire. Scales, sight reading and aural will not be assessed, the extra marks will be given for the performance as a whole. Students will record their performance of 4 pieces, back to back, as if performing at a concert, but they will be able to record it at home on their piano. The recording will then be uploaded and submitted to ABRSM examiners who will provide the feedback and marks.

This is exciting news for many students who may prefer this route, however, this is very new, and ABRSM are yet to release full details. Also, it has not yet been stated whether these exams will hold UCAS points for grade 6-8 and I must make it clear that the face-to-face exams, with sight reading, aural tests and scales - do encourage students to develop a holistic understanding of the piano and development of correct playing technique. Where possible and suitable, I would recommend students stick to this pathway.

To stay up to date with the developments on these new qualifications, click here to get the most recent updates from ABRSM and to learn more about the criteria for these new qualifications.

As for the traditional face-to-face exams, ABRSM are currently only providing adapted exams for year 13 students who are sitting grades 6-8 and need UCAS points for University applications.

Exams for Spring and Summer have been cancelled and although we hope that the Winter exams will go ahead, ABRSM are yet to confirm this and they cannot start making plans to resume exams until the lockdown measures are eased, they have reassured that they will do so as soon as possible:

“We will do this as quickly as possible, always with safety as a priority and in accordance with the prevailing government guidance, as we share your frustration at this unfortunate interruption to our normal operations.”

Follow this link to stay up to date with ABRSM’s response to the Covid situation.

I will keep you all posted as soon as any developments begin, fingers crossed for WInter exams opening and stay tune to hear more about the new performance focused qualification as these exams may be a good option whilst we wait for face-to-face exams to resume.

With that in mind, this could be a good time to start looking at a 4th graded piece incase we do use this route - it will be excellent sight reading practice at the very least! ;-)
